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Mad Russian Apothecary

100% New Hampshire honey. Harvested thoughtfully with respect for nature.

You can trust you’re getting the best pure, raw, unfiltered local honey possible. Na Zdorovie.

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100% Simple
100% Awesome
100% Natural

Corn syrup or artifical flavors? Hard pass. We believe nature knows best. We coexist with our bees, thoughtfully and deliberately respecting our hives and queens so you can trust you’re getting the best pure, raw, unfiltered local honey possible. We run a sweet shop, not a sweat shop. Na Zdorovie.



Find Us Locally!

Are you local to Derry, NH? Our honor-system Honey Cabinet is located on our front porch at 3 Elm Street! Stop by and grab what you need — you can pay via Venmo, CashApp, Paypal, or cash. You can also place your order through our website, select “Home Storefront” in shipping, and we will place your order in the cabinet for you!

You can find Mad Russian Apothecary honey and honey products at the following locations – and let ‘em know the Mad Russian sent you:

… And various craft and artisan fairs in the area throughout the year. Would you like to carry Mad Russian Apothecary honey? Email us today at!


About Us

Alexiev, the Beekeeper

Alexiev has proudly overcome a life of chaos and embraces a simpler existence. He is the leader and namesake of Mad Russian Apothecary and our resident beekeeper. He is meditative and strong, encouraging us all to be the dandelion – resilient, persistent, and without apologies.

Amber, the Alchemist

Amber is a lifelong cook and practitioner of the simple life. She is an anthropologist, a marketing expert, and a matriarch. She is the heart of Mad Russian Apothecary, writing every recipe, running our brand, and only occasionally getting stung in the beeyard.